Neural Regeneration Research 2011 年12期 目 录
论文编辑部-新丝路理论网   2011-07-12 16:58:17 作者:中华医学之家:http://www.xinxi85.com 来源: 文字大小:[][][]
Neural Regeneration Research  2011 年12期  目 录 
 Editor's Choice——Acupuncture and neural regeneration after brain ischemia  
 Anti-aging effects of moxa cone moxibustion As a free radical scavenger complement  
 Activation of various brain areas during acupuncture at Taixi (KI 3) and Qiuxu (GB 40) acupoints  
 Optimal stimulation parameters for Renzhong (DU 26) electro-acupuncture for improving motor function in a rat model of middle cerebral artery occlusion  
 The Chinese herbal formula Tongluo Jiunao promotes expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor/tropomyosin-related kinase B pathways in a rat model of ischemic brain injury  Peiman Alesheikh;Arezou Mashoufi;
 Effects of GBE50 on hippocampal CA1 synaptic plasticity,learning and memory in an experimental rat model of aging  
 Effects of compound rehmannia formula on dopamine transporter content in the corpus striatum of Parkinson's disease rats treated with levodopa  
 Midbrain enkephalin expression in a rat migraine model following intragastric scorpion powder administration  
 Tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the midbrain of Parkinson's disease model rats treated with Xifeng Dingchan decoction  
 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research  
 Protective effect of propofol preconditioning and postconditioning against ischemic spinal cord injury  
 Brazilein intervention for sciatic nerve injury in BALB/c mice  
 Association of ALOX5AP and PDE4D with the risk of lacunar infarct in people from Jiangsu Province,China  
 Neural Regeneration Research A journal indexed in SCIE  
 Cognitive malingering assessed using event-related potential P300 evoked by the old-new task in the oddball paradigm  
 Neuroprotective effects of a mitochondrial K~+-ATP channel opener (diazoxide) are mediated by Bcl-2 expression upregulation  Majid Katebi;Mansooreh Soleimani;Mehdi Mehdizadeh;
 Contingent negative variation of mood disorder patients  
 Cover Figure



联系电话:029--85327298     主编QQ693891972  


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